You will find here some information on how to execute certain yoga poses and why they are good for you and your posture.<br>
Let's do this drill together!
Read more<p>Let's do this drill together!</p>
I hope you are doing good and that yesterday treated you smoothly. Remember as the information is going to start adding up, to go through the routine and the details in your head anytime you have a second to do so.
<p>I hope you are doing good and that yesterday treated you smoothly. Remember as the information is going to start adding up, to go through the routine and the details in your head anytime you have a second to do so.<br></p>
This video is a part of a 'Special Series'.
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Pay NowSeries 2
24 Episodes
accents advanced connection contrast emotions extensions imagery intermediate mechanic mental-preparation musicality styling technique turns variations
Series 1
31 Episodes
accents advanced basics beginner body-parts connection contrast core-concepts cross-training emotions extensions finding-movement imagery intermediate mechanic mental-preparation momentum musicality musics other-dances phrasing presentation strengthening stretching styling technique turns variations yoga
Series 19
4 Episodes
advanced beginner cross-training finding-movement imagery intermediate styling technique
Series 20
2 Episodes
accents advanced beginner body-parts cross-training finding-movement intermediate musicality other-dances styling
Series 21
9 Episodes
accents advanced basics beginner body-parts finding-movement intermediate musicality musics other-dances presentation styling turns variations
Series 18
4 Episodes
advanced beginner body-parts finding-movement imagery intermediate mental-preparation yoga
Series 17
6 Episodes
advanced beginner body-parts cross-training finding-movement intermediate mechanic strengthening stretching
Series 16
9 Episodes
accents advanced body-parts contrast intermediate musicality musics phrasing
Series 15
6 Episodes
accents advanced body-parts connection extensions intermediate styling suggestions technique variations
Series 14
4 Episodes
advanced basics body-parts extensions intermediate musicality styling suggestions
Series 13
12 Episodes
advanced body-parts extensions finding-movement intermediate momentum styling
It’s a systematic, comprehensive progression through essential west coast swing technique—applied to the follower’s role.
Videos are accessible with a monthly membership. Take charge of your dance growth with these drills. I’ll be with you every step of the way!
Coming soon...
You're not sure if you are doing a drill right? For a small extra fee, upload a video of you directly from your phone or computer and ask me the question. I will review it in the shortest delay possible so you can go back to your training reassured that you are practicing in the most efficient way!
I also still have a few spots still available for the ACCOUNTABILITY PROGRAM video coaching. So if you'd like to keep motivated and you'd like to commit to the next level, this is for you. Contact me in private for more information.
These are all drills you can do alone or with a friend but entirely designed to do without a partner. While there’s a lot of great content out there from champion dancers, this is the only platform devoted entirely for technical solo work. I give you the tools to check your own work and tell if you’ve done it successfully.
"Sonya consistently delivers great results out of the people who practice what she shows them. Sonya Dessureault is very knowledgeable. What I especially like is that she does not shy away from educating you on the multiple different techniques of achieving the same goal and then explaining which one is her preference and why. This way Sonya gives you a broader education on the dance, and this is something I really appreciate about her."
"Sonya is a heart warming true professional dance teacher. She is very good at giving you advice and exercises for your level and to find the things you need to practice to grow as a dancer.
Team Sonya for the win!"
“Working with Sonya has helped me develop my dancing enormously. My understanding of West Coast Swing and how to best use my body to express myself in the dance has deepened to a whole new level. I feel that the combination of her holistic approach to the dance as an art form and attention to technical detail has opened up completely new possibilities for me to improve and create within the dance.”
Get In Touch with me if you are interested in the Accountability Partner video coaching program.
Here’s what I know: being a good follow doesn’t mean being silent. In fact, it’s the opposite. We become a great partner only when we dance true to ourselves. When we dance free. My work is to equip you to dance like you. I do this through technical training that can ground you in your body—while we also revise the stories you tell yourself about what it means to be you. Access your self-expression, your physical potential, and your dance joy. Dance Free, sisters!
Most of the drills are presented in 10 minutes or less. That includes visual examples and verbal explanations of how to do the exercise.
With practice, you will better understand your movement. But
these drills are not THE WAY. Create and add your own personality. This program
is designed to give you a baseline structure for your training and to allow you to find your movement and DANCE FREE!
Write me a message and I will add you to a private Facebook group where I help you
self-assess and support your journey as a solo west coast swing dancer.
In addition to having access to this platform, you get 10% on any future private lesson with me and the possibility to write questions directly on the video, send me messages and send me a VIDEOMAIL to get a review on how you do the drills.
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